شون مينديز يطلق الأغنية الثالثة من ألبومه القادم

تاريخ النشر: 31/07/16 | 15:04

طرح النجم شون مينديز البالغ من العمر 17 عاماً اغنيته الجديدة Three Empty Words.
الأغنية هي الثالثة لشون بعد Treat You Better وRuin ضمن ألبومه الثاني Illuminate الذي يطرح في 23 أيلول/سبتمبر.
وتقول كلمات الأغنية:

I’ll pick you up at the same time
At the same place, the same old drive
We’ll just talk about our day
To try to fill the awkard space tonight
We’ll play the songs we used to love
While we try to fall in love again
We don’t know who’s wrong or right
We don’t even care enough to fight
We’re going through the motions
Cause we can’t fix what’s broken
And I know it’s gonna hurt
But darling I’ll go first
Cause I won’t keep on saying those three empty words
No, I won’t keep on saying those three empty words
We’re still talking everyday
I’m running out of things to say to ya
What’s really gonna break my heart
Is to have to tell your little brother
It might be easier to stay
But it’ll never be the same, no ohh no
And if something doesn’t change
Then we’ll keep on sinking further
Ohh, we’re going through the motions
Cause we can’t fix what’s broken
And I know it’s gonna hurt
But darling I’ll go first
Cause I won’t keep on saying those three empty words
Those three empty words
Will only make it worse
I’m tired, I can’t take it anymore
Those three empty words
Will only make it worse
We tired, we can’t take it anymore
We going through motions
Cause we can’t fix what’s broken, no
And I know it’s gonna hurt
But darling I’ll go first
I won’t keep on saying those three empty words
We don’t have to keeping on saying those three empty words
No I can’t keep on saying those three empty words


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